Lean Black Belt

Become a coveted Lean specialist, capable of leading successful Lean implementations

Lean Black Belt education

The Lean Black Belt education equips you with tools and competencies that you can apply in your daily work. You become the expert who can achieve measurable optimisation results for your company. You are able to lead and implement complex Lean rollouts in the organisation and possess a mindset that enables you to make well-considered decisions, always focusing on your customers’ needs and requirements.

You master the different Lean methods in the toolbox, necessary to improve services, products, and processes to meet Lean criteria for efficiency.

Teaching at eye4improve

Who is it aimed at?

Who is the training aimed at?
This Lean Black Belt education is for you if you aspire to be the Lean expert who can execute successful and result-creating Lean rollouts. You will learn an optimisation approach where you gain the competencies to project manage complex Lean implementations in all, or parts of, the organisation. You will learn to ensure progress and create enthusiasm and belief in the project among the participants.

More companies have come to realise that Lean can help improve customer satisfaction by increasing efficiency and quality of products, processes, and services, thereby also improving the bottom line. This means that companies using Lean thinking can achieve significant quality improvements, save resources and strengthen competitiveness.

Content of the Lean Black Belt education

Duration: 9 days

The education will focus on Lean and the tools naturally linked to the method. Here we take a step beyond the learning in Yellow Belt and Green Belt courses and delve deeper into individual points while focusing on change management and how you facilitate project teams.

The teaching is conducted in modules, where each step has its own tools and methods attached.

The most relevant methods and tools will be explained in combination with case studies and associated exercises, giving you the opportunity to test the theory in practice.

You will be certified at an expert level and, therefore, have to execute two development/optimisation projects for your company, receiving coaching and guidance along the way. In this way, you can create results for your company even during the education.

The first project is prepared between the teaching modules, and the next one after completing the instruction.

Introduction to Lean

  • Lean background
  • What is Lean?
  • Lean house
  • Focus points when talking about Lean
  • What are value-creating activities?
  • What is a process?
  • Understanding customers and prioritising customer requirements
  • "Voice of customer"
  • Key Lean Metrics
  • Tools and techniques
  • Womack and Jones Lean implementation
  • The 5 Lean principles
  • 7+1 types of waste
  • Hoshin Kanri Lean implementation
  • The 7 steps
  • Gemba walk
  • Value stream analysis
  • Efficiency matrix

Lean toolbox and implementation

  • Demand analysis
  • What is 5S?
  • 5S operation rules
  • Implementation of 5S
  • Standardised work
  • Define Poka Yoke
  • What is Kanban?
  • How to implement a Kanban system
  • OEE Overall Equipment Effectiveness
  • Just In Time (JIT)
  • TPM: Total Productive Maintenance
  • Visual management
  • Performance board
  • Competency matrix
  • Problem-solving tools
  • Problem-solving framework
  • Priority-setting tools


  • Overview of process levelling
  • Production levelling
  • Demand levelling
  • Sequencing and its concepts, Spaghetti diagram
  • SMED activities (Single-Minute Exchange of Die - method to improve processing speed)
  • What is Kaizen?
  • How to prepare for Kaizen events
  • Kaizen setup
  • Kaizen board
  • A3 report
  • Plan Do Check Act
  • Facilitation

Project, Exam & Certification


To become a certified Lean Black Belt, you must have completed two Lean projects in your own organisation. Project results must show improvement in key performance measurements for the organisation's strategy.

The projects must be completed within 18 months from the start of your training, concluding with the submission of a project report and an oral defence of the task.

The report is a detailed thesis containing reflections on the process and the results you have achieved (what you did, why you did it, and the consequences it had). Additionally, you should be able to document the use of different Lean problem-solving tools.


You will receive ongoing sparring and guidance from Lean coaches with extensive practical experience and insights into implementing Lean projects. Your coach will help you ensure progress in your project. You have 3-4 hours of personal coaching per module, where you get targeted help for your specific issue (the hours cannot be accumulated, but must be used continuously). With this valuable support, it is easier for you to maintain the red thread through the modules and create the best possible project yield.


After the final teaching session, there will be a written exam (multiple choice test), where you must score at least 80% correct to pass. After this awaits the completion of your practical projects, project report, and oral defense, before you can become fully certified.


Certification is based on your completed projects. The certification is a recognition that you have proven you can put theory into practice and create significant results. Be aware that passing is not guaranteed. However, we, of course, do not propose you for examination until we believe you are ready.

Presentation and Celebration

You will present your project report to your teacher and an external examiner. Your leader and project group are welcome to participate as certification is also a small celebration, where your and the project's results are acknowledged and celebrated. This is a milestone in your career!

The Practical

Duration: 9 days in total. Divided into 3 modules of 3 days each

Teaching time: typically from 8.00 to 16.00

Teaching form: The training will primarily take place as physical group instruction

Class size: max. 12 participants in the class

Preparation: Expect homework between instructional modules

Outcome – What competences does it provide?

Upon completing the education, you will become a sought-after specialist in Lean implementations, creating measurable results.

You know the central Lean tools and understand how to apply them successfully.

You have the competencies to plan, lead, and implement a full Lean rollout in your organisation.

You understand how to ensure a balance between efficiencies, customer satisfaction, and well-being across the organisation.

  • Acquire the skills to use Lean methods and the most important tools used in Lean organisations
  • Quantify process performance correctly and quickly implement improvements where necessary
  • Use the best from Womack and Jones and Hoshin Kanri implementation
  • Correctly select and apply Lean's continuous improvement tools in the organisation to reduce waste activities, increase process improvements, and add value to the customer's products and services
  • Value Stream Mapping (VSM) to identify and analyse waste to maximise value and minimise waste, and facilitate clear communication and collaboration
  • Describe the Lean principles and many of the tools and techniques for continuous improvements
  • Kanban, JIT, visual management, Gemba walk, standardised work, etc.
  • Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) methods, 5S, and SMED to reduce machine and system downtime and improve process performance
  • Lean goals and metrics to correctly quantify process performance
  • Implement and facilitate Kaizen workshops for quick improvements using Lean tools and techniques

Our other Lean educations

We also educate and train both Yellow Belt and Green Belt courses.



Lean Yellow Belt

Gain insight into the fundamental principles of Lean, so you can become an active team member in Lean projects, and assist Green Belts and Black Belts.

Duration: 3 days of instruction.



Lean Green Belt

Gain substantial practical insight and become capable of leading and executing larger Lean implementation projects. Green Belts often spend about 25% of their working time on this.

Duration: 6 days of instruction + work with own practical project.

Why choose eye4improve

We do not just deliver Lean understanding and knowledge in our educations. We educate practitioners who can deliver business results! Our Green Belt, Black Belt, and Master Black Belt students often generate substantial savings for their companies (even during the education). There have even been examples of savings in the tens of millions.
  • Skillful and experienced instructors
  • You gain skills you can use in the real world
  • We alternate between theory and practical exercises, so you are involved in the teaching
  • The complex material is served in an easy-to-understand way with plenty of examples and exercises
  • You gain skills you can use in the real world
  • You get a high academic level
  • We provide you with tools that you can take home and use immediately.
  • Sparring and guidance from coaches and individuals with extensive practical experience and insights into Lean implementation.
  • Certification according to the highest standard

Let’s have a chat

Do you need help and guidance for specific challenges that you and your company are facing?

Don’t hesitate to contact us for a non-binding conversation. Just fill out the form, and we will contact you.

+45 22996900
(09.00 – 17.00)

Of course, you are also welcome to call us on weekdays between 09.00 and 17.00.